Wednesday, February 11, 2009

active opposition

ok, so i'm taking this book study on a book called "money, possessions, and eternity". the last chapter i read went on and on about materialism and blah, and told all these stories about how televangelists got caught up in terrible scandals. not suprising to me.

what got to me was how this quote from the author, "'But I don’t support such ministries and I never have,' someone might say. Scripture doesn’t let us off so easily. There is one body of Christ, and we’re all members of it. I can’t separate myself from the rest of the Church. I must ask, how is my life resisting materialism in the Church rather than contributing to it? How am I providing a model that’s a clear alternative to the materialism undermining the integrity of the Christian community”?

now there's an idea! don’t just disapprove, actively oppose. in my mind i relate it to my own opinions about how Jesus calls us to be non-resistant. non-resistance does not mean just don’t shoot someone, it means go and actively love them. i think that Jesus calls us to act this way in all areas of life, to be active rather than apathetic in our opposition of evil. it is part of God’s redemptive plan. Jesus wants us to go above and beyond to bring forth His Kingdom.

more examples: don’t just not litter, plant a tree; don’t just not gossip about your neighbor, share an encouraging word; don’t just give your tithe, give til it hurts.

...and the church needs to do it together so that we can be sure that we are truly representing Jesus to the world.


Kristin said...

Reminds me of the book I just finished, "Lord Save Us from Your Followers." Good message, Jo. :-)

Kim said...

amen, jo. amen.