Thursday, April 15, 2010

okay so there was this question on my application for holy cross fellows and then i realized that i probably answeredd it all wrong, but this is what i wrote, and i felt like i had to put it somewhere. here it is:

I believe that God gives us both special revelation (the Bible) and general revelation (things we can learn from nature, history, observation, experience, and science). As they say, all truth is God’s truth. Anything we may see as Truth should be tested by looking at both special and general revelation. We should accept the Bible as authority and God’s word, but not by any one person’s interpretation. I feel that interpretation can be flawed as we are sinful. Biblical interpretation should be done prayerfully and tested by other believers and by what we see as given in general revelation. If what we see in nature is different from our interpretation of the Bible...maybe there was a misinterpretation and we should re-evaluate what the Scriptures are saying.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


the easiest way to keep up this blog is going to have to be lists since computer access is limited, but i still wish to keep things current here.

things i like right now: confessing, anticipating a large paycheck, quirky children, sitting outside in sunshine, bonfires, eating dinner in courses, finding fresh onions and garlic in my backyard, relationship theories, reading Ignatius' writings right before he was eaten by leopards in the colosseum whilst i sit on my porch, people praying for each other (it really makes all the difference in life), the white stripes, and holy week.

things i don't like right now: colombia gas, the fact that i own way too much crap, select sleazy neighbors, paying for gas, PAPERWORK, whoever keeps dumping trash on my front lawn, and too many dishes on the drying rack.