Thursday, April 1, 2010


the easiest way to keep up this blog is going to have to be lists since computer access is limited, but i still wish to keep things current here.

things i like right now: confessing, anticipating a large paycheck, quirky children, sitting outside in sunshine, bonfires, eating dinner in courses, finding fresh onions and garlic in my backyard, relationship theories, reading Ignatius' writings right before he was eaten by leopards in the colosseum whilst i sit on my porch, people praying for each other (it really makes all the difference in life), the white stripes, and holy week.

things i don't like right now: colombia gas, the fact that i own way too much crap, select sleazy neighbors, paying for gas, PAPERWORK, whoever keeps dumping trash on my front lawn, and too many dishes on the drying rack.