Saturday, January 24, 2009

material girl

contrary to common belief. happiness really can't be found in things. i was reminded of this last night while watching one of my favorite movies "The Darjeeling Limited". to give you a very brief synopsis of the film: the main characters in this film are three rich young brothers who all have their own set of issues, and they set out on a spiritual journey together...and hilarity ensues. there is a song that comes up a couple of times throughout the movie. one of the three brothers, jack, often plays this song on his ipod. so i downloaded the song today, because it sounds fun and i like it. and so i was enjoying peter sarstedt's soothing voice, and writhing in response to his brilliant use of both acoustic guitar and accordian, i realized that the song was about a girl who can't seem to find happiness in her riches. it talks about her extravagant lifestyle: her fine wines, her designer clothes, expensive jewelry, a high class apartment, invitations to exclusive events, the best education, the best vacations. these types of things can never bring us peace. for christians living in america this is something that we must remind ourselves of often because we are constantly being bombarded with the lie that peace and happiness can be bought. though this song was written in 1969, i think that this song could easily translate today to britney spears or paris hilton or [fill in rich young girl's name here], and it can be a nice reminder to all of us that the only place to find contentment is in Christ alone. anyway, the song is beautiful so you should listen to it. here you go:

Where Do You Go To (My Lovely) - Peter Sarstedt

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